印度代购提示,本品2020年05月7日 瑞典制药公司Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB(SOBI)宣布,评估依帕伐单抗(emapalumab)治疗原发性噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增多症(HLH)疗效的关键II/III期临床研究(NCT01818492)的结果已于2020年5月7日发表于国际顶级医学期刊《新英格兰医学杂志》(NEJM)。
As of July 20, 2017, 26 of 34 patients treated with epvacizumab have completed the study. Data showed that after 8 weeks of treatment, 63% of patients in the treated group (n=27) and 65% of patients in the study group (n=34) were in remission. These percentages were significantly higher than the prespecified null hypothesis threshold of 40% (P =0.02 and P =0.005, respectively). 70% of patients in the treated group (n=27) and 65% of patients in the study group (n=34) were able to undergo hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and received transplantation, respectively. At the last observation, 74% of patients in the treated group (n=27) and 71% of patients in the overall study group (n=34) were still alive. Patients showed a very high survival rate after transplantation, with a 12-month survival rate of 89.5% in the treated group and 90.2% in the entire study group.